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Meisha Bramford, mother of Lara and Phoebe

Honouring Phoebe

In 2016 Phoebe was born with an undiagnosed neurological condition.

Today, her mum Meisha works with families navigating the same journey through the Paediatric Palliative Care Peer Mentor Program.


“Phoebe has given me so much in that I’m able to give back … I’m still doing something in her honour”

Phoebe was born in December 2016 with a severe and undiagnosed neurological condition. Little Phoebe would have up to 30 seizures over a 24-hour period, during which she would stop breathing. It was a daily fight for Phoebe and she went into hospital at just eight weeks of age.

Meisha would bring her older sister Lara to see her every day, and after a trial for CBD oil that helped in shortening her seizures and allowing her to breathe through them, the family was able to bring Phoebe home for a couple of months.

As her condition worsened, Phoebe returned to hospital where her family stayed by her side as they celebrated Christmas and her first birthday. Meisha then made the decision to bring her home where she passed a week later.

Meisha became involved in the Paediatric Palliative Care Peer Mentor Program in its initial pilot stage, that only progressed thanks to your donations.

Since those early days, Meisha has worked with countless families navigating palliative care and bereavement.

“All the families I’ve worked with have commented on how helpful it is to have someone there who understands, who’s actually walked the same corridors in the hospital,” she says.

The program has helped Meisha remember Phoebe and her journey, and she’s found incredible value and healing in sharing such a vulnerable time in their lives.

“Every time I talk to the parents that I’m involved with, it’s a reminder of Phoebe.”

“I’ve always been a massive advocate for Phoebe, and it’s like I’m still doing something in her honour, and it’s giving meaning to her life in a lot of ways.”

“It’s been part of our healing process and a part of our journey. We can still honour our children and what we’ve been through with them”.

Your donation this festive season will bring hope and healing to even more South Australian families, just like Meisha’s.
