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Our Group

The Hospital Research Foundation Group – Palliative Care is focused on providing quality palliative care support, education and research for all South Australians.

Statewide Research Project Adelaide University

As a supporter, you can feel proud that all of your donation gets to the intended cause

When you give to The Hospital Research Foundation Group – Palliative Care as part of The Hospital Research Foundation (THRF) Group, 100% of your donation, plus more goes directly to supporting essential palliative care services, education and research.

This is because our administration costs are covered by THRF Group’s commercial business activities which also boosts our funds to palliative care services each year.

This means your support of THRF Group – Palliative Care has an even bigger impact.

THRF Group Impact Report 2023
Andrew Annette hands

Our Promise to You

We are committed to the highest standards in fundraising practice.

The Hospital Research Foundation Group recognises the importance of trust. When you make the generous decision to support any of The Hospital Research Foundation Group charities, you can be confident that we will keep our promise to you.

Together with your help, we can make a lasting and meaningful contribution to the health and wellbeing of our loved ones, the community and future generations.

  • THRFG_PallCare_privacy PRIVACY Always respect your privacy and never share your data with any other charities
  • THRFG_PallCare_mail CONTACT Keep you updated on the impact and outcomes of your support, in the manner in which you prefer
  • THRFG_PallCare_feedback FEEDBACK Welcome your feedback at all times
  • THRFG_PallCare_loveheart THANK YOU Always say thank you, no matter how big or small your contribution
  • THRFG_PallCare_health TRUST As proud members of the Fundraising Institute of Australia, we are required to adhere to the FIA Code of Conduct, in place to raise standards of conduct across the fundraising sector.

Our Charities

The Hospital Research Foundation Group consists of many charities,
giving you the choice to support an area of research or patient care that matters most to you.
