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23rd May 2024 Uncategorised

Annaliese’s inspiring walk leads to $15,200 for palliative care

Annaliese and mum cropped (1)

Three new recliner chairs are providing much-needed comfort for patients at Laurel Hospice thanks to a huge fundraising effort from Annaliese Holland.

With her generous spirit, Annaliese smashed her fundraising target of $10,000 and raised an incredible $15,200 for palliative care by competing in the City-Bay Fun Run.

Annaliese mustered a huge amount of strength to complete in the last 3kms of City-Bay, an incredible achievement despite facing an incurable disease. Annaliese lives with Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglipathy, where her body creates antibodies that attack her nervous system.

Each day Annaliese lives in chronic pain, intense nausea and crippling fatigue and she relies on an IV pole for up to 12 hours every night for nutrition and hydration to stay alive.

Despite these major challenges, Annaliese is still determined to live her life to help others, including fundraising for Laurel Hospice, a community who has guided her through the depths of pain and some of her darkest days.

“I decided to walk the City-Bay to push myself and raise awareness and funds to put towards something that would benefit everyone at Laurel,” Annaliese said.

“I wanted to make it my mission to give back to others going through the same experience and to the health professionals and volunteers that work within the building.

“Everyone deserves their last days, weeks or months to be the most beautiful memories, despite the pain being felt.

“I thought a comfy recliner would be perfect to help patients feel they are at home as a lot of the time chairs are uncomfortable and hard.

“I believe it’s important for patients to be able to sit in comfy chairs even if it’s for one last time to sit and look out at a beautiful sunrise or sunset.”

Angela said the chairs provide comfort for patients, who are very grateful for them.

The three recliner chairs have finally arrived at Laurel Hospice, and they are already providing comfort for patients.

“The chairs are so comfortable and are versatile to position from standing to sitting and patients can be easily wheeled where needed,” said Angela Robinson, Nurse Unit Manager – Laurel Hospice, Southern Adelaide Palliative Services.

“Our patients are very grateful and thankful that these chairs are available to them.”

We are so inspired by Annaliese’s fundraising efforts and are in awe of how she continues to give back in the face of adversity – thank you.
